Constitution and By-Laws

Revised March 2024

Article 1

The name of this club shall be the Emory University Woman's Club.

Article 2

The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

The object of this club shall be to foster social life among its members, to promote the welfare of the student body, and to further the interests of the University in every way possible.

Article 3

This club shall have three types of memberships:

  1. regular members
  2. honorary members
  3. legacy members

Regular members

Regular members of this club shall be interested in the Emory University community in any capacity.

Anyone who has been a member of the Emory University Woman's Club may continue as a regular member by continuing to pay dues.

Honorary members

Honorary members of this club shall be current and former presidents of Emory University and their spouses.

Legacy members

Legacy members are former members who are nominated and elected by the Emory University Woman’s Club Board.

Article 4

Section 1.

The officers of this club shall be president, vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, third vice-president (newsletter editor), treasurer, and parliamentarian.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of Emory University Woman’s Club and the President of the University or the President’s spouse.

Section 3.

The Executive Board shall consist of all officers of Emory University Woman's Club, the President of the University or the President's spouse and the chairs of all standing committees.

Section 4.

The officers shall be elected annually at either the March meeting or the April meeting. The nominations shall be presented at the membership meeting the month preceding the election.

Section 5.

No members shall hold the same office more than two consecutive years. However, at the request of the nominating committee this requirement may be suspended for one year by a two-thirds vote of a regular quorum.

Section 6.

By a two-third majority vote, the Executive Committee has authority to fill any vacancy among the officers during the year.

Section 7.

A Nominating Committee of not fewer than five members shall be appointed by the president, confirmed by the Executive Committee, and announced at the January meeting.

Section 8.

A Finance Board shall be composed of the EUWC treasurer, president, past president, and one or more to be appointed by the president for a minimum of four to meet quarterly to assist the treasurer and the club in its operation. Part of this responsibility shall be to ensure an audit of the club records annually.

Section 9.

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The first choice for distribution of the organization’s assets is the Fellowship and Scholarship Accounts, in equal shares, established by this organization for students of Emory University. The second choice for distribution is Emory University, and if neither of these distributions are possible, to the federal, state or local government for a public purpose.

Article 5

The meetings shall be held monthly from September through May.

Article 6

Twenty regular members shall constitute a quorum, whether through in-person participation at a meeting or virtual/electronic participation.

Article 7

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of a quorum after the amendment has been presented at a previous meeting or in a newsletter. Electronic voting is permitted by members when notice is given through the newsletter or website and participants follow rules, including deadlines, given in the notice.


Article 1

The dues of all members shall be determined by the action of the Executive Board. (See CONSTITUTION, Article 4, Sect. 3 for membership of Board.) Members whose dues are one year in arrears shall be dropped from the roll after notification. Reinstatement of membership may be made upon payment of current dues.

Article 2

Newcomers to the Emory University community shall be invited to become members and shall be enrolled as members upon receipt of dues.

Article 3

A copy of the Constitution shall be entered in each secretary’s yearbook and shall be printed in each club yearbook.

Standing Rules

(Revised March, 2024)

The Finance Committee is responsible along with the Treasurer for yearly budget planning and projected fiscal planning.

Funds from the operating account shall be dispensed in accordance with the annual budget, which is prepared by the Treasurer with input from the Finance Committee and approved by the Executive Committee, the EUWC Board, and the general membership each fall.

All expenditures not governed by the budget shall be approved in advance subject to the following rules:

  1. Money for the Memorial Library Fund shall be taken from the Projects account as needed.
  2. All requests for non-operating funds, including “seed money” for club activities, shall be made in writing to the Executive Committee through the President. Amounts up to $100 may be approved by the Executive Committee. For amounts greater than $100, the Executive Committee shall refer the request to the Finance Committee for a recommendation. The Executive Committee at their discretion may also refer the request to the membership for a vote.